Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ask and Tell

How are we ever going to grow up and be men if you don't let us get married and go off to war?

It's the weirdest issue. It's the least "bad for the children" issue I can think of involving gays. I'd be less surprised by Republican opposition to gays serving hot lunches at montessori's than serving in the military.

And by the way, is a little sexual release all that terrible if you're stuck away from the Missus in fucking Pakistan? Have you seen Pakistan on Dateline? It's hot, then it's cold. There's no grass. The women have no clits anymore. What's so terrible about a consenual blow job from the same guy who would lay across a land mine for you?

I think Anderson Cooper is getting a little too tired of blowing our troops while covering wars, anyway. His mouth looks dry and fatigued, and a Neil Patrick Harris USO tour seems unlikely, unless he can direct a star-studded, outdoor version of South Pacific.

This is silly. We need Propaganda posters.

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