This picture, captured today upon the clumsy slip of my hand while walking the dogs and giving out my number to the first hot guy to ask for it in a very long time, was really quite symbolic of the last two months.
In early October, I got some really sad family news that really threw me for a loop. I worked on two pilots at once and had a great time, but was barely home, and my dogs didn't like that and decided to eat a few expensive things in protest. They are like Tea Party leaders: retarded and destructive. Then I had a urinary tract infection and thought it was Scurvy or worse, because that's how my mind works. A woman at work put her finger in my face and shook it at me. That was fun. NOT. And last week while at the Grove, a very unflattering picture was taken of me that was on a gossip web site and I almost had to move to Mars. Oh, and Perez Hilton called my female friend a cunt when we were at Tigerheat.
I'm whining, let's make no mistake about it. And for the most part, my problems are VERY White Girl, very LA, very gay, very not Haiti. And at the risk of being about 10 days late for a Thanksgiving post, I want to take a second to say thank-you because even with all of the shattered iPhones, I am still the luckiest person alive.
When my family issue occured, I was super-duper thankful, because I had the tools to deal with the issue, I had a boss who let me leave work to go right to therapy, and it also brought me closer to a family member who I love desperately and never really got a chance to know.
During the pilot building process I got to see exactly what it is I want to do in the TV business, and I even contributed to a few things that made it into the final cut which totally rules. I also got to join a new credit union in the process since it was on a studio lot I'd never worked on before.
The doggy destruction derby reminded me to walk them longer which was my only form of exercise for six weeks. Also, they slept in the bed with me when I got home at like 2AM from work and kept me warm.
The UTI was a huge blessing in a weird way because it forced me to get a check up from my cool new Doctor, and also--it was covered under my new sweetass medical insurance plan which I didn't know I had until the bill came! I havent had real insurance in two years. So Sexy. And my pee stopped hurting in like 6 hours. I also got a helpful tip about how to avoid them that has NOTHING to do with not being slutty. And it works (pee after you, uh, ya know)! (I had no idea. Usually I just go to sleep).
The screamer reminded me that it's nothing personal. Whenever people yell at you, you're usually interchangeable with anyone else who could have been there that day.
But do you want to know what I am MOST thankful for besides the lessons I learned? That throughout my dramatic days over the last two months, I never felt alone for a single second. And this is the value of having lifelong friends. You give and you take, but you always stay in touch. In our darkest hours it is the loving and gentle "It's ok" from a high school friend, a college roommate, a downtown diva, an NBC page tourmate, or the boss who hired you back 10 years after you walked away from it all to go lose 100 pounds that make you feel not so alone.
We can never lose touch with the people who knew us before we had pubes or debt. They love us at our worst, because they know us at our best and believe it's possible to become even greater. They're the only people who ask about our moms and dads and really care, because they've met them. They are the ones who want to know who we're dating, because they want to make sure we're happy and getting boned to high heaven, since they remember how cranky we were when we were fat and celibate. If you owe a call, do it now. Do it for no reason. You never know when having them back in your life will bring you back to peace.
So on this iPhone Memorial day, having packed up 60 days of Life's inconvienent anguish into 16 gigabytes of broken glass, I feel warmer because I can call my loved ones and bitch...on my brand new Purple-cased iPhone 4.
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