Monday, March 8, 2010

How do you know when to stop eating?

When do you stop eating?

Is it when you're full?  What is full to you?  Is full the same as happy?  Does being full make you happy?  How do you avoid being stuffed?  What if stuffed is all I know, especially at night time.  When my dad tells my mom he's so stuffed he can't move, is that a compliment to her?  Will it keep her from crying?  How come when I tell people that I'm stuffed they're concerned for me? 

When do I stop eating?

When there's only enough cereal for 1 and a half more bowls, do I save the half and blend it with the next box?  Do I combine it all...all of the fruit and yogurt Special K, and just let the milk get even that much more pink?   I keep wheat thins below the sink for when I'm on the toilet (instead of magazines), do I stop eating when other people can hear the crunching?  When I'm eating sushi while driving, and there are three pieces left, but I've already hit a car while backing out of a parking space, do I stop eating?  Should I leave a note?

When do we stop eating?

Is it when the food get's cold?  Is it when there's only one chip, one slice of pizza, one bite of cake left?  I don't want to be rude.  Do I stop eating ever?  If I leave leftovers, am I a dick?  When we're sad, and it's a funeral, and there's powdered donut jelly balls, are six enough?  When we're on a date, at a movie, and there's junior mints, and it's the first month, is 2 enough?  At six months, are four ok? At two years, can we each just get our own box?


You stop eating when you die. 

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